
Instagram post by @emilympelland

for emily
If you can read this, stop,
don't come any closer.
You don't know what you're looking at.

It's not what you think,
and you're tempted to make sense of it,
to make it something beautiful,
something bloody and dangerous,
a damaged other making you feel whole,
a glimpse of something you've seen before.

I told you: it's not what you think,
don't come any closer.
You still think it's a body you're looking at.

If you can, put down all your bullshit,
and wait for the invitation.
It will be quiet and quick,
you must not hesitate,
not for a second.

Now, your eyes skyward,
this will be your first aurora,
something come from far, far away, bigger than you,
beyond even its own understanding.

Imagine that – you have taken one small step closer.

Instagram post by @emilympelland